Recycling is great when you’ve finished using an item, but in an ideal world the best way to prevent waste is not to produce it in the first place.
Like only buying the things you really need and avoiding the temptation of sales, discounts and buying one to get one free. If you need to buy, then consider quality over cost (not always possible), durability, pre-loved items (giveaways) and clothing that still have a useful purpose. Or, consider something like a water bottle that can be used repeatedly, or getting your food portions right so that food is not wasted.
If something is no longer wanted make sure that it is not thrown away when it could be reused again in some way, made into something else, passed onto family, friends or donated to charity. If something is broken, can it be repaired? There may be someone out there with the skills to mend your item and give it a new lease of life.